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Windhoek, Namibia Africa- Shirley Metz on left. John Whitmore with his wife Thelma and their family on right - circa 1985
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for Windhoek, Namibia Africa- Shirley Metz on left. John Whitmore with his wife Thelma and their family on right - circa 1985
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Windhoek, Namibia Africa- Shirley Metz on left. John Whitmore with his wife Thelma and their family on right - circa 1985
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for Windhoek, Namibia Africa- Shirley Metz on left. John Whitmore with his wife Thelma and their family on right - circa 1985
Windhoek, Namibia Africa- Shirley Metz on left. John Whitmore with his wife Thelma and their family on right - circa 1985
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for Windhoek, Namibia Africa - Dick Metz with his mother on left. John Whitmore with his wife Thelma and their family on right - circa 1985
Windhoek, Namibia Africa - Dick Metz with his mother on left. John Whitmore with his wife Thelma and their family on right - circa 1985
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for Windhoek, Namibia Africa- John Whitmore with Dick's wife Shirley and Cheyenne - circa 1985 - Photo by Dick Metz
Windhoek, Namibia Africa- John Whitmore with Dick's wife Shirley and Cheyenne - circa 1985 - Photo by Dick Metz
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for Elands Bay, South Africa - circa 1985 - Thelma and Dick's mom on left. Other friends of John Whitmore on right.
Elands Bay, South Africa - circa 1985 - Thelma and Dick's mom on left. Other friends of John Whitmore on right.
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for Elands Bay, South Africa - circa 1985 - Thelma and Dick's mom on left. Other friends of John Whitmore on right.
Elands Bay, South Africa - circa 1985 - Thelma and Dick's mom on left. Other friends of John Whitmore on right.
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for First Africa Trip 60- The Whitmore family and Dick Metz - 1959. Peta, Shelly, Dick Metz, Patti, Thelma, Thelma's mom, John Whitmore, and friends.
First Africa Trip 60- The Whitmore family and Dick Metz - 1959. Peta, Shelly, Dick Metz, Patti, Thelma, Thelma's mom, John Whitmore, and friends.
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for Oct. 15, 1987 - Big Party for Bill and Rosalee Wise. Guests included Hobie Alter and his wife, Phil Edwards and his wife, Dick and Shirley Metz, Mickey Munoz and his wife and Marge Calhoun
Oct. 15, 1987 - Big Party for Bill and Rosalee Wise. Guests included Hobie Alter and his wife, Phil Edwards and his wife, Dick and Shirley Metz, Mickey Munoz and his wife and Marge Calhoun
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for Dick and Shirley Metz at Fort Namatoni, Namibia Africa - circa 1985
Dick and Shirley Metz at Fort Namatoni, Namibia Africa - circa 1985
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for John Whitmore working on his farm at Elands Bay Africa- 1985
John Whitmore working on his farm at Elands Bay Africa- 1985
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for John Whitmore and Shirley Metz during a 1985 motorcycle ride in South Africa - photo by Dick Metz
John Whitmore and Shirley Metz during a 1985 motorcycle ride in South Africa - photo by Dick Metz
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for 1985 bike ride out of Elands Bay Africa. John Whitmore and Shirley Metz
1985 bike ride out of Elands Bay Africa. John Whitmore and Shirley Metz
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for 1985 bike ride out of Elands Bay Africa. Shirley Metz and John Whitmore.
1985 bike ride out of Elands Bay Africa. Shirley Metz and John Whitmore.
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for Shirley Metz visiting with Jerry Lind and his wife
Shirley Metz visiting with Jerry Lind and his wife