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Image Not Available for Come Surf With Me record, Aki Aleong and the Nobles
Come Surf With Me record, Aki Aleong and the Nobles
Image Not Available for Come Surf With Me record, Aki Aleong and the Nobles

Come Surf With Me record, Aki Aleong and the Nobles

Credit LineAki Aleong and the Nobles Festival Records High Fidelity Vee-Jay Records
Object numberMUS.102
DescriptionCome Surf With Me is Aki's own personal invitation to come along with him and get the feel of the salt spray in your face with a good board beneath your feet. Ride the big pipeline with a high wind at your back and "shoot the pier"!
Come Surf With Me is danceable and exciting, and no matter what your style of dancing, you will find the "beat" suitable for the surf, the mash, the bird, the bossa nova, the calypso, or the twist, and Aki Aleong and his "Nobles" are at their tremendous wailing best, so brab your boards and your bunnies and Let's Go!!!
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